Friday, January 20, 2012

Love's True Value....

Love to some it seems like a simple word, but to someone whose been hurt by that very thing, it is so much more. I have lived myself and learned this very fact and gone through what some would call life changing things, that makes one want to avoid the very thing that we live to find. But the biggest lesson to be learned is there are some things in life you can't run from. Death, your fears, and love. Now everyones list varies but these are the main things that stick out in my mind that over time I have come to terms with. When I was young I feared death, but now it is something I accept that is just apart of living. Just as my fears of death, which I realized is something I cant run from no matter how far I go, it will still meet me there. And last love. I have loved foolishly as many have and been broken, which taught me some things, but not enough to teach me to obviously not make the same mistake again. It took for my pride to be hurt for me to learn not to be so free giving with my heart. But the reaction of someone whose been hurt or whose heart has been damaged is to retract from everyone, show absolutely no emotion, and refuse to show affection. But as I said there are some things you cant run from. I don't know maybe I'll exxagerate later.

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